Saturday, May 30, 2009

5/29/09 Dream: Rude Burger King Man

I actually woke up  mad because of this dream... Analyze it if you can

                I was at Burger King and I ordered chicken nuggets, french fries, and a drink.  I sat down after getting my order ready to devour my meal.  I guess I was hungry.  I noticed that someone replaced my chicken with tater tots.  I don't even think Burger King sells tater tots!  Therefore, I politely went back to the cashier who sold me the meal and told him about the mix up.  I said, "I think someone mistakenly gave me tater tots instead of chicken nuggets." and he just said ok.  I was rather taken back by his rudeness so I exclaimed, still in a calm voice, “I understand that this most likely isn’t your fault but I would appreciate it if you could give me my chicken nuggets please.”  He then looked at me and said, “Well,” in a completely rude way, “could you please direct your complaints to the other cashier?”  By this time I was very upset and really hungry so in an angry and somewhat raised voice I told him “No!  I will not direct my complaint to him, you messed up my order and you need to fix it.” He just looked at me for a few seconds then told me in a scurrilous way “Don’t raise your voice at me!”  That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Now I was mad and I actually raised m voice.  I threw the tater tots over the counter towards his feet and yelled, “I want my chicken nuggets.  I told you I didn’t order these stupid tater tots and I want my food now!”  He then said maybe I need to speak with the manager and I replied, “Maybe I do!” I then calmly explained my situation to the manager and I got my chicken free of charge.  As I left the restaurant, I gave that cashier, the meanest look I’ve ever given before in my life.


**This next part of my dream is weird because I saw this teacher the next day at the bank**

                I was already mad because of the burger king incident and I went to school.  They had recently renovated all of the bathrooms so my friends and I were gathered around outside of it.  My friend Whitney, the class secretary, was reviewing the Student Council binder and handed me a paper out of it.  I told her it was supposed to stay in there because it had everyone’s grades and other information in it.  Then some teacher, who shall remain nameless, came up, just put herself in the conversation, and rudely said, “You don’t need to be looking at other student’s information.  Give that here!”  I then just went off on her.  I would never do this in real life but this was what I said, at least what I remember:  “First of all, not that it’s any of your business, but this is Student Council information and it is for us to see not you so can you please get out of our conversation because I do not recall inviting you to join it in the first place.”  You know, I just don’t like it when people get in someone else’s business and they don’t even know what they’re talking about.  Well, that was the end of that dream.

 Comments, analysis? Anything?  What did you think of this dream?  As I said before, I actually woke up mad because it really upsets me when people do not mind their own business or when cashiers are rude.

5/30/09 Dream: Trip to a new school

Dare to analyze this dream?

Some members of the current and former Harrison Central student body took a trip to some other school.  It was somewhere surrounded by a farm.  I had visited this high school in a previous dream and I always only see the cafeteria and the farm surrounding the school.  After eating vanilla ice cream with my friend Edward in the cafeteria we took a trip to the nearby mall via school bus.  This was a fictional mall but I have visited it before in my dreams.  I have a tendency to repeat dreams sometimes.  The entrance to all of the stores at this mall were facing the street and had multiple floors in them.  We quickly headed back home, I don't recall ever getting off the buss to shop.  On the way back to HC, the weather was horrible.  It seemed like we were on a bridge the entire time.  Under the bridge were many parking lots with only one or two cares parked in them.  The heavy rain poured down on the streets causing great floods in the parking lots.  It was a sight similar to New Orleans after Katrina or Houston after Tropical Storm Allison.  Alongside the bus, I saw my good friend Robyn walking in the bad weather searching for her car.  I guess she drove to the school instead of taking the bus.  The bus sped past her and I never saw if her car was in a flooded parking lot or not.
Before the dream ended I was back at my school (well now it's my former school).  I knew the setting was after my graduation because I spoke with someone about how the sophomores and juniors were still in school and the administration was allowing seniors to return and visit their teachers.  My friends (including Edward, Ashley, and Karlea) and me were the only seniors back at school.  Karlea was wearing a very inappropriate outfit and I suggested that she change but she only put on a different shirt.  Her shorts were the problem and they weren't very fashionable.  This definitely wasn't something she would wear in real life because I find her choice in clothing to be very up to date with the latest fashion trends.  Anyways, the dream ended with us having a movie night in the parking lot and I took all of the library's movies home with me.  

I have tried to figure out the point of this dream and its relevance to my life but I have arrived at the conclusion that I do not know.  Can you help me?  Do you Know?